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Robot Accessories
Vacuum Gripper VRG
Vacuum Gripper suitable for conveyance of large work-piece.
Robot Accessories
Vacuum Gripper VMG
Vacuum Gripper suitable for conveyance of large work-piece.
Robot Accessories
Vacuum Gripper VLG
Vacuum Gripper suitable for conveyance of large work-piece.
Robot Accessories
Mounting Flange HS for EOAT (End of Arm Tooling)
This flange can mount single Vacuum Pad or gripper to EOAT.
Robot Accessories
Vacuum Modular Kit HML for EOAT (End of Arm Tooling)
Max. 16 Vacuum Pads can be mounted on this modular kit.
Robot Accessories
Vacuum Generator with blow-off function which can be mounted directly to EOAT.
Robot Accessories
Vacuum Pad Trial Kit
This trial kit makes possible from the initial suction test to installation on EOAT (End of Arm Tooling).
Robot Accessories
Vacuum & Air Control Unit HKU
Unitized equipment necessary for supplying vacuum and compressed air to the EOAT (End of Arm Tooling).
Robot Accessories
Interface Plates for EOAT (End of Arm Tooling)
Plural Vacuum Pads can be mounted on a plate to connect to EOAT.